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Investment Bank
How can we help?
Parsys 1
A green arrow reflected in a building window points to the right
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Graphic representing survey respondents' answer to the question "What proportion of your trading is executed electronically for Rates and Credit?"
Bar chart depicting survey respondents' answers to the question "Have you experienced pricing fragmentation across different platforms for the same instruments?"
Bar chart depicting responses to survey question "Q: What are your core reasons for having a transaction cost analysis (TCA) system?"
Donut graph depicting respondents' answers to the question "Has the amount of regulatory change that firms have had to focus on in recent years delayed innovation and the development of more effective investment styles?"
Important content disclosuresImportant content disclosures
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Global Markets


Global Markets



Innovation Edge 

Business had been upended by a mindset of constant change & disruption, affecting companies, sectors & markets. We’re looking ahead to how innovation drives tomorrow’s outcomes.

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